Литвек - электронная библиотека >> Юлия Пучкова >> Сказки для детей и др. >> Забавные истории котенка Рэдди / Reddy's Funny Stories >> страница 4
cry and we run away.

Now we are in our garden again.

"Thank you, brothers," says Pinky. She is very happy and we are happy, too.


1 Answer the questions.

1. Where is mummy?

2. Where are the kittens?

3. Can Pinky bite?

4. Does the woman take Pinky to her home?

5. How do the brothers help Pinky?

6. Does the woman throw Pinky out?

2 Circle the odd word.

1. bookcase, cupboard, table, window

2. afraid, happy, big, sad

3. children, woman, man, girl

4. bite, look, eat, drink

5. arms, hands, fingers, feet

3 Fill in: don't, doesn't, isn't, aren't.

1. I _____ like it.

2. Pinky _____ jump onto the cupboard.

3. Pinky _____ happy.

4. Blackie and Reddy _____ on the sofa.

4 Fill in: on, to, out, into, in.

1. The woman throws Pinky _____.

2. The vase is _____ the floor.

3. We are _____ our garden again.

4. We jump _____ the window.

5. She goes _____ the window.

XII. Helping Mummy

Забавные истории котенка Рэдди / Reddy's Funny Stories. Иллюстрация № 15 Today we are helping mum in the garden. We are planting flowers and vegetables. Mum is planting roses. Blackie is planting tomatoes. I am planting potatoes. And Pinky is planting carrots.

"Mum, when can we eat the vegetables?" we ask.

"When they grow big," she says.

Every day Pinky and I go to the garden and water our seeds. Blackie doesn't water his seeds every day. He is lazy.

Then we can see very small leaves. They are our vegetables. The leaves grow and grow. Now they are very big. But there aren't any carrots or potatoes. There is only a small tomato in the leaves.

"Mummy," cries Pinky, "why is it so? Reddy and I water our plants every day, but there aren't any carrots or potatoes. And Blackie waters his plants on Mondays and he has got a tomato."

"My dear," says mum, "come here and let's dig."

Pinky, mum and I go to our plants. We dig and dig. Hooray! Our carrots and potatoes are funny.

They hide in the ground. We dig them out. There are a lot of them.

"Now," says mum, "Pinky and Reddy can have a lot of carrots and potatoes for lunch."

"And me?" asks Blackie. He wants carrots and potatoes, too.

"You can have your green tomato," says mum.

We look at Blackie. He is crying. We are sad.

"Mum," we say. "Can we give him some carrots and potatoes? We have got a lot of them."

Mum looks at Blackie. He is still crying. Our mum is kind and she says: "OK, but don't eat his green tomato. You can eat it when it is red."

"Mummy," says Blackie, "I can water the tomatoes every day."

Now he works in the garden every day and there are a lot of tomatoes in the leaves. They are red, and we eat them together.


1 Circle the odd word.

1. carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, roses

2. funny, yellow, green, red

3. Monday, Sunday, day, Tuesday

4. flowers, seeds, grass, trees

5. look, cry, see, listen

2 True or false?

1. They are planting fruit.

2. There are carrots and potatoes in the leaves.

3. Blackie waters his plants on Tuesdays.

4. Reddy and Pinky can have carrots and potatoes for lunch.

5. The kittens can eat the green tomato.

3 Choose right.

1. Blackie is planting potatoes/tomatoes.

2. Blackie doesn't water his seeds/ carrots every day.

3. Our carrots and potatoes are fine/ funny.

4. Pinky can have carrots for dinner/lunch.

5. Blackie is crying/happy.

6. Our mum is kind/angry.

7. Blackie works/walks in the garden every day.

4 Answer the questions.

1. What is mum planting?

2. What do Reddy and Pinky do every day?

3. Does Blackie water his seeds every day?

4. Why do they dig and dig?

5. Does Blackie want to eat his green tomato?

XIII. Goodbye

Today we are going to mum's sister, aunt Fatty. We are taking our toys with us. I am taking my toy cars, aeroplanes and helicopters. Pinky is taking her dolls and their clothes. She has got a lot of clothes for dolls. There are skirts and trousers, shirts and shorts, dresses and jackets, shoes and boots.

"Pinky, why have you got many clothes for dolls?" I ask.

"Because I have not got my clothes, and I like clothes. They are so beautiful. They are long or short, big or small. They are colourful, too. What is your favourite colour?"

"Red," I say, "it is a very beautiful colour. I like it. And what is yours?"

"I don't know. I like yellow and green, red and blue, pink and white."

Mum comes into the room.

"Are you ready?" she asks.

"Yes, we are," we say.

"Where is Blackie?" asks mum.

"He is in the garden. He is taking his toys," we say.

"Are his toys in the garden?" asks mum.

"Yes, there are a lot of Blackie's toys in the garden," we say.

"What are they?" mum asks.

"They are stones and sticks, frogs and toads," we say. "He likes them. They are his favourite toys."

Mum looks through the window. She can see Blackie in the garden. He is walking in the puddle.

"And he is taking the puddles with him, too," she says.

Now we are in the garden. We have got a lot of bags. We are ready to go and we say:

"Goodbye, our house! Goodbye, everyone!"


1 Answer the questions.

1. Where are the kittens going?

2. What is Pinky taking?

3. Why does Pinky like clothes?

4. What is Pinky's favourite colour?

5. Where is Blackie?

6. What are Blackie's favourite toys?

7. Is Blackie taking the puddles with him?

2 What is it?

1. It can fly very fast and very high.

2. It can fly fast but it can't fly high.

3. People drive it.

4. Girls play with them.

5. People wear them on their body, arms and legs.

3 Circle the odd word.

1. trousers, jacket, shorts, skirt

2. shirt, coat, boots, jacket

3. car, aeroplane, doll, helicopter

4. frogs, sticks, lizards, toads

5. gloves, boots, shoes, socks

4 Put the sentences in the correct order.

1. We are taking our toys with us.

2. Pinky likes clothes.

3. Blackie is walking in the puddle.

4. We are going to aunt Fatty.

5. Mum looks through the window.



about [ə’baʋt] prep o, по

aeroplane [ˈɛərəpleɪn] аэроплан, самолёт

afraid [əˈfreɪd] испуганный

after [ˈɑːftər] после, за

again [əˈgen] снова, опять

all [ɔːl] все

always [ˈɔːlweɪz] adv всегда

angry [ˈæŋgrɪ] а сердитый, злой

animal [ˈænɪməl] n животное

another [ə’nʌðər] а еще один, другой такой же

answer [ˈɑːnsəʳ] отвечать

apple [ˈæpl] яблоко

arm [ɑːm] рука

armchair [ˈɑːmtʃɛəʳ] кресло

around [əˈraʊnd] prep вокруг

ask [ɑːsk] v спрашивать

at [æt] у, возле, около

aunt [a: nt] тётя

autumn [ˈɔːtəm] осень

away [əˈweɪ] прочь


baby [ˈbeɪbɪ] малыш

back [bæk] назад, обратно

bag [bæg] сумка

ball [bɔːl] мяч

bath [bɑːðz] см. have a bath

bathroom [ˈbɑːθrʊm] ванная комната

beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfʊl] красивый

because [bɪˈkɒz] потому что

bedroom [ˈbedrʊm] спальня

behind [bɪˈhaɪnd] за, позади

big [big] большой

bird [bəːd] птица

birthday [ˈbəːθdeɪ] день рождения

biscuit [ˈbɪskɪt] печенье

bite [baɪt] кусать(ся)

black [blæk] чёрный

blue [blu: ] синий, голубой

body [ˈbɔdɪ] тело, туловище

book [bʊk] книга

bookcase [ˈbʊkkeɪs] книжный шкаф

boots [buːts] ботинки, сапоги

boring [ˈbɔːrɪŋ] скучный

box [bɔks] коробка

breakfast [ˈbrekfəst] завтрак

broken [ˈbrəʊkən] разбитый

brother [ˈbrʌðər] брат

brown [braun] коричневый


cake [keɪk] торт, пирожное

car [kɑːʳ] машина

carrot [ˈkærət] морковь

catch [kætʃ] ловить, поймать

chair [tʃɛər] стул

cheese [tʃiːz] сыр

children [ˈtʃɪldrən] дети

chocolate [ˈtʃɔklɪt] шоколад, шоколадная конфета

clean [kliːn] чистый; чистить

clever [ˈklevə] умный

climb [klaɪm] лезть, лазать

close [kləʊz] закрыть

clothes [kləuðz] одежда

clown-fish [klaʊn fɪʃ] рыба-клоун

coat [kəʊt] пальто

cold [kəʊld] холодный

colour [ˈkʌlər] цвет

colourful [ˈkʌləfəl] разноцветный

come [kʌm] приходить

come up [kʌm ʌp] подходить

cook [kʊk] готовить (еду)

cries [kraɪz] см. cry

cry [kraɪ] плакать, кричать

cup [kʌp] чашка

cupboard [ˈkʌbəd] буфет


dance [dɑːns] танцевать

dark [da: k] тёмный, темно

day [deɪ] день

dear [dɪəʳ] дорогой

dig [dig] копать

dining room [ˈdaɪnɪŋ ru: m] столовая

dinner [ˈdɪnəʳ] обед

dirty [ˈdəːtɪ] грязный

dive [daɪv] нырять

do [duː (полная форма)] делать

doll [dɔl] кукла

door [dɔːʳ] дверь

down [daʊn] вниз

dress [dres] платье

drink [drɪŋk] пить

drive [draɪv] вести машину


ear [ɪər] ухо

eat [i: t] есть, кушать

empty [ˈemptɪ] пустой

escape [ɪsˈkeɪp] побег

evening [ˈiːvnɪŋ] вечер

every [ˈevrɪ] каждый

everyone [ˈevrɪwʌn] все

eye [aɪ] глаз


fair [fɛəʳ]