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Литвек - электронная библиотека >> Эдвард Бенсон >> зарубежная классика >> The Terror by Night

Чтец книги: Trevor O'Hare

Жанр: зарубежная классика


Год издания: -

Язык книги: английский

Издательство: Мультимедийное издательство Стрельбицкого


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Edward Frederic Benson (1867-1940) was an English novelist, biographer, memoirist, archaeologist, and short story writer, best known for his evocative and beautifully narrated ghost and horror stories. In his own day it was his ghost stories which were his most popular works. The Terror by Night—the first volume in the series—covers the period between 1899 and 1911, and demonstrates Benson's early mastery of his craft, in such stories as 'Caterpillars', 'The Man Who Went Too Far', 'Gavon's Eve', and 'The Bus-Conductor', the basis for one of the stories in the classic supernatural film Dead of Night. The Terror by Night is a short horror story published in 1912. The Terror by Night is a part of a short story collection «„The Room in the Tower and Other Stories“» also published in 1912. Among the most significant works Edward Benson: And the dead Spoke…, The Outcast, Machon, Negotium Perambulans…, At the Farmhouse, Inscrutable Decrees, The Gardener, Mr Tilly's Seance, Mrs Amworth, In the Tube, Roderick's Story, The Horror Horn, Mapp and Lucia series, Dodo series, The Inheritor, Secret Lives, Naboth's Vineyard, The Wishing-Well, The Terror by Night, The Thing in the Hall, The Cat, The Sanctuary and many more.

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