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Литвек - электронная библиотека >> Джон Леннон >> Юмористическая проза и др. >> Испалец в колесе (сборник на русском и английском) >> страница 2
Jesus EI Pifco noticed in early the days was that the Laird didn't seem to have a coach of any discription or even a coach house you know, much to his dismable. But — and I use the word lightly — the Laird did seem to having some horses, each one sporting a fine pair of legs. Jesus fell in love with them at first sight, as they did with him, which was lucky, because his quarters were in the actually stables along side his noble four lepered friends.

Pretty polly one could see Jesus almost every day, grooming his masters horses, brushing their manebits and hammering their teeth, whistling a quaint Spanish refrain dreaming of his loved wombs back home in their little white fascist bastard huts.

«A well pair of groomed horses I must say,» he would remark to wee Spastic Sporran the flighty chamberlain, whom he'd had his good eye on eversince Hogmanose.

«Nae sa bad» she would answer in her sliced Aberdeen-martin accent. «Ye spend more time wi» yon horses than ye do wi' me,' with that she would storm back to her duties, carefully tying her chastity negro hardly to her skim.

Being a good catholic, Jesus wiped the spit from his face and turned the other cheese — but she had gone leaving him once small in an agatha of christy.

«One dave she woll go too farther, and I woll leaf her» he said to his fave rave horse. Of course the horse didn't answer, because as you know they cannot speak, least of all to a garlic eating, stinking, little yellow greasy fascist bastard catholic Spaniard. They soon made it up howevans and Jesus and wee Spastic were once morphia unitely in a love that knew no suzie. The only thing that puzzled Jesus was why his sugarboot got so annoyed when he called her his little Spastic in public. Little wonder howeapon, with her real name being Patrick, you see?

«Ye musna» call me Spastic whilst ma friends are here Jesus ma bonnie wee dwarf' she said irragated.

«But I cannot not say Patrick me little tartan bag» he replied all herb and angie inside. She looked down at him through a mass of naturally curly warts.

«But Spastic means a kind of cripple in English ma sweet wee Jesus, and ai'm no cripple as you well known!»

«That's true enough» said he «but I didn't not realize being a foreigner and that, and also not knowing your countries culture and so force, and anywait I can spot a cripple anywhere.»

He rambled on as Patrick knelt down lovingly with tears in her eye and slowly bit a piece of his bum. Then lifting her face upwarts, she said with a voice full of emulsion «Can ye heffer forgive me Jesus, can ye?» she slobbed. He looked at her strangely as if she were a strangely, then taking her slowly right foot he cried; «Parreesy el pino a strevaro qui bueno el franco senatro!» which rugby transplanted means — «Only if you've got green braces» — and fortunately she had.

They were married in the fallout, with the Lairds blessing of course, he also gave them a «wee gifty» as he put it, which was a useful addition to their bottom lawyer. It was a special jar of secret ointment made by generators of his forefingers to help get rid of Patricks crabs which she had unluckily caught from the Laird of McAnus himself at his late wifes (Lady McAnus') wake. They were overjoyced, and grapenut abun and beyond the call of duty.

«The only little crawlie things we want are babies,» quipped Jesus who was a sport. «That's right sweety» answered Patrick reaching for him with a knowsley hall.

«Guid luck to you and yours» shouted the Laird from the old wing.

«God bless you sir» said Jesus quickly harnessing his wife with a dexterity that only practice can perfect. «Come on me beauty» he whispered as he rode his wife at a steady trot towards the East Gate. «We mustn't miss the first race my dear.»

«Not likely» snorted his newly wed wife breaking into a gull-up. «Not likely» she repeated.

The honeymood was don short by a telephant from Mrs El Pifco (his mother) who was apparently leaving Barcelunder to se her eldest sod febore she died laughing, and besides the air would do her good she added. Patrick looked up from her nosebag and giggled.

«Don't joke about Mamma please if you donlang, she are all I have loft in the world and besides your mother's a bit of a brockwurst herselves» said Jesus, «And if she's still alive when she gets here we can throw up a party for her and then she can meet all our ugly Scottish friends» he reflected. «On the other handle we can always use her as a scarecrab in the top field» said Patrick practically.

So they packed their suitcrates marked «his and hearse» and set off for their employers highly home in the highlies.

«We're home Sir» said Jesus to the wizened tartan figure knelt crouching over a bag of sheep.

«Why are ye bask so soon?» inquired the Laird, immediately recognizing his own staff through years of experience. «I've had some bad jews from my Mammy — she's coming to seagull me, if its all ripe with you sir.» The Laird thought for a mumble, then his face lit up like a boiling wart.

«You're all fired» he smiled and went off whistling.

Толстый попка

Испалец в колесе (сборник на русском и английском). Иллюстрация № 3
Живет со мною попка
Большой приятель мой
Везде мы с ним гуляем
В Британии родной
Назвал его я Джеффри
В честь деда своего —
Тот тоже тараторил,
Не смысля ничего
Не всем по нраву попки
Веселый желтый род
Кой-кто их ест на завтрак
Иль кошке отдает
Мой дядя слопал попку
Тот был жирен и желт
Я плакал «Ронни!» — но злодей
И ухом не повел
А дядю звали Артур
Он был отцовский брат
Пошел он в зоомагазин
И слопал всех подряд
Врачи в желудок к дяде
Полезли с головой
Нашли там целый зоопарк
Что и сгубил его
Щебечет, скачет Джеффри
Как в комнату вхожу я
Его я с ложечки кормлю
Мой попка в чудной форме
И очень любит петь
Когда по воскресеньям
Его включаю в сеть
По комнате порхает он
Не опуская лап
А если очень счастлив
На голову мне — кап!
Сейчас блюдет диету он
Чтоб похудеть слегка
Коль он поправится еще
Нужна будет клюка
Огромный попка на клюке!
Представьте, вот так хохма!
От зрелища такого
Со смеху можно сдохнуть
Таков мой попка Джеффри
Толстенный как сова
Он мне отца роднее
А мне лишь тридцать два

The Fat Budgie

I have a little budgie
He is my very pal
I take him walks in Britain
I hope I always shall.
I call my budgie Jeffrey
My grandads name's the same
I call him after grandad
Who had a feathered brain.
Some people don't like budgies
The little yellow brats
They eat them up for breakfast
Or give them to their cats.
My uncle ate a budgie
It was so fat and fair.
I cried and called him Ronnie
He didn't seem to care
Although his name was Arthur
It didn't mean a thing.
He went into a petshop
And ate up everything.
The doctors looked inside him,
To see what they could do,
But he had been too greedy
He died just like a zoo.
My Jeffrey chirps and twitters
When I walk into the room,
I make him scrambled egg on toast
And feed him with a spoon.
He sings like other budgies
But only when in trim
But most of all on Sunday
Thats when I plug him in.
He flies about the room sometimes
And sits upon my bed
And if he's really happy
He does it on my head.
He's on a diet now you know
From eating far too much
They say if he gets fatter
He'll have to wear a crutch.
It would be funny wouldn't it
A budgie on a stick
Imagine all the people
Laughing till they're sick.
So that's my budgie Jeffrey
Fat and yellow too
I love him more than daddie
And I'm only thirty two.

Жила-была хрюшка и сеть гнойников

Испалец в колесе (сборник на русском и английском). Иллюстрация № 4 Однажды, как-то раз, далеко-далече, за тридевять дисней — скажем, триста лет отсюдова, коли вам хочется, — жили-были в неясном лесу гнойники, или кретинчики, целая сеть, а звали их: Грязнуля, Брюзга, Трусишка, Пустобрех, Зубоскал, Алис? Забияка — и Сосиска. Так вот, копались они, копошились, значит, в алмазных