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Комментарий № 186 (о книге Родовая земля, автора Александр Сергеевич Донских )

Комментариев: 1
GGG   20-06-2018 в 10:16
Elena is a young, beautiful girl with a passionate nature, strong brought up in a peasant family, finishes the women's gymnasium and dreams of a great love and a bright, eventful life. Her wishes seem to be unenforceable because it is impossible to change centuries-old way of life. Elena give married unloved man, she helps her husband in farming and trade, but the hot nature craves for more. Suddenly found one, which, as it seemed, she had dreamed of for so long, and which can transform the life of Elena in celebration. She's leaving her husband and all given his new sense. It takes several years, during which Elena is experiencing many grievous losses, disappointments, before it comes to understanding and remorse. In parallel, a love drama of the heroine, the author shows the complex fate of her family and fellow villagers. Passed through the crucible of trials and losses, the heroes become stronger in thought that the basis of human life is family and faith, and native land, which gives strength and support. The novel is distinguished by its special intonation and will interest a wide circle of readers.
