Литвек - электронная библиотека >> Petr Krylov >> О бизнесе популярно и др. >> Tarot Magic

Жанр: О бизнесе популярно, Эзотерика, мистицизм, оккультизм


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Язык книги: русский

Страниц: 91

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Издательство: SelfPub

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день: 2  месяц: 5   год: 33   всего: 46


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This book discusses the branch of esotericism that deals with event programming by Tarot cards.The book draws on the author’s many years’ experience reconstructing its theory and verifying it in practice.In Russia, the book finds its online niche within the context of the Patience of Medici. Legend has it that the Patience of Medici is a magical practice that makes it possible to control the future.Historical and literature sources have mentioned it under various names for hundreds of years.

Ключевые слова: гадание картах герметизм карты Таро магическая школа Самиздат сталкеры

This book discusses the branch of esotericism that deals with event programming by Tarot cards. The book draws on the author’s many years’ experience reconstructing its theory and verifying it in practice. In Russia, the book finds its online niche within the context of the Patience of Medici. Legend has it that the Patience of Medici is a magical practice that makes it possible to control the future. Historical and literature sources have mentioned it under various names for hundreds of years. Many think that they think, but few think that they think him. And in their delusion, they’re mistaken that they think. For only those think who think others. Stalkerreklats
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