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Литвек - электронная библиотека >> Smart Reading >> личная эффективность >> Summary: Emotional Intelligence. Why it can matter more than IQ. Daniel Goleman

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Язык книги: английский

Издательство: Смарт Ридинг


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Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “Emotional Intelligence. Why it can matter more than IQ” by Daniel Goleman. Everyone knows that a high IQ is no guarantee of success, happiness, or virtue, but until emotional intelligence was discovered we could only guess why. Daniel Goleman's brilliant research dives into psychology and neuroscience and offers surprising new insight into our «two minds» – the rational and the emotional – and how they together shape our destiny. Using clear examples, Goleman identifies the five crucial skills of emotional intelligence, and shows how they are key our success in relationships, our profession, and even our physical well-being. Today many MBA program have included the importance of emotional intelligence into their curriculum and not only the quantitative side of business. “Emotional Intelligence” was on the New York Times Bestseller’s list for 18 months, has been translated into 40 languages and is sold all over the world.

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