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Александр Анатольевич Берг

Книгу прочёл с удовольствием. Только вот есть ошибки и несуразицы. Орудия в 100 мм не заряжаются раздельно, у них унитарный снаряд, то есть снаряд запрессован в гильзу и подается в орудие целиком. Так что танки Кв-3 заряжались одним человеком и одним унитаром. Далее, я вообще в ауте. При прорыве блокады Ленинграда, 2-я армия Власова прорвала окружение и по словам автора Власов не попал в плен, а продолжал ею командовать. И вдруг автор рассказывает, как в Харькове схватывают генерала Власова-предателя и по приговору вешают в Москве. Такое ощущение, что автор не следит за своим же написанным и потерял берега. Но, книга неплохая. Желаю автору еще написать хороших книг, но и следить за им же написанным и не попадать в такие идиотские ситуации.

Серый лис     #192108
Сказка на Рождество
Алиса Орлова-Вязовская

Прочитала «Сказку на Рождество» Алисы Орловой-Вязовской, и она заставила меня поверить в настоящую зимнюю сказку. С первых страниц я погрузилась в уютный мир, полный снега, искрящихся огней и рождественских чудес. Герои и их истории согревали мне душу, заставляя поверить в то, что даже в самые темные времена есть место для добра, надежды и волшебства. Это идеальная книга, чтобы погрузиться в праздничное настроение и поверить в рождественское чудо.

ivgorenko     #192101
Краеугольный камень
Александр Сергеевич Донских

Странно, почему о романе "Краеугольный камень" мало говорят? Тут такая сосредоточенность мыслей, авантюрности, любви, ненависти, войны, мира и бог знает чего ещё, что читать его как дышать. Жизнь в нём и такая какая есть и такая, какая должна быть. Противоречия стянуты крепко и убедительно.Читали в бумаге, и в бумаге надо читать, потому что вещь традиционная, через бумагу так и глядит в тебя тот и другой герой романа. Язык глубокий и крепкий, настоящий глубинно русский. Читать!!

Фетрова В.Б.     #192098
Евангелие Достоевского
Митрополит Иларион (Алфеев)

"Евангелие Достоевского" митрополита Илариона (Алфеева) - глубокая и увлекательная работа, которая проливает свет на религиозное мировоззрение и влияние христианства на творчество величайшего русского писателя. Митрополит Иларион блестяще анализирует духовные ценности, нравственный выбор и религиозно-философские вопросы, которые Достоевский затрагивает в своих произведениях. Эта книга - ценный вклад в понимание как Достоевского, так и роли религии в формировании русской литературы.

rom-mak     #192091
Льды возвращаются
Александр Петрович Казанцев

Эта книга захватывает с первых страниц. Невероятная смесь научной фантастики, приключений и философских размышлений. Я был поражен изобретательностью Казанцева и его способностью заставить читателя задуматься о важных вопросах, таких как цикличность жизни и неизбежность перемен. Герои были хорошо прописаны и реалистичны, их борьба за выживание на суровой планете была настолько правдоподобной, что я чувствовал себя частью этой истории. Роман оставил во мне глубокое впечатление, напомнив о хрупкости жизни и необходимости ценить каждый момент.

modeba972     #192087
Потерян в море
О. Рейтерн

На Author.Today книга выложена полностью и бесплатно.

О.Рейтерн     #192084
Субъект. Часть четвертая
Андрей Но

Очередная часть "Субъекта" Андрея Но поражает своей глубиной и провокативностью. Автор не только создает захватывающий мир сверхспособностей, но и исследует фундаментальные вопросы человеческой природы и возможностей нашего разума.

Книга бросает вызов привычным представлениям о том, что значит быть человеком. Она заставляет задуматься о границах нашего сознания и потенциале, который таится в наших собственных умах. Рекомендую эту книгу всем, кто интересуется интеллектуальной фантастикой, психологическими исследованиями или просто хочет задуматься о том, на что мы способны как вид.

sam47i     #192081



Smith Wilbur - 1 книг. Главная страница.

Smith WilburWilbur Addison Smith (born 9 January 1933 in Broken Hill, Northern Rhodesia, now Kabwe, Zambia) is a best-selling novelist. His writings include 16th and 17th century tales about the founding of the southern territories of Africa and the subsequent adventures and international intrigues relevant to these settlements. His books often fall into one of three series. These works of fiction draw on history and help to explain the rise and historical influence of the Dutch and English whites in southern Africa that eventually claimed this diamond and gold rich and disputed territory as home.
As a baby, he was sick with swag flu for ten days, but made a full recovery. He spent the first years of his life on his father's cattle ranch which consisted of 12,000 hectares (25,000 acres) of forest, hills and savannah. On the ranch his companions were the sons of the ranch workers, small black boys with the same interests and preoccupations as Wilbur Smith. With his companions he ranged through the bush, hiking, hunting, and trapping birds and small mammals. His mother read to him every night and later gave him novels of escape and excitement, which piqued his interest in fiction; however, his father dissuaded him from pursuing writing.
He went to boarding school at Cordwalles Preparatory School in Natal (now Kwa-Zulu Natal). While in Natal he continued to be an avid reader and had the good fortune to have an English master who made Wilbur Smith his protégé, and would discuss the books Wilbur had read that week. Unlike Wilbur's father and many others, the English master made it clear to Wilbur that being a bookworm was praiseworthy, rather than something to be ashamed of and let Wilbur know that his writings showed great promise. He tutored Wilbur on how to achieve dramatic effects, to develop characters and to keep a story moving forward.
Next he went to Michaelhouse (St Michael's academy for young gentlemen) situated on the foothills of the Drakensberg mountains. He never felt like he "fitted in" with the people, goals, and interests of the other students at Michaelhouse. On a positive note, he did start a school newspaper at Michaelhouse for which he wrote the entire content, except for the sports pages. His weekly satirical column became mildly famous, and were circulated as far as afield as Wykham Collegiate and St Annes.
Later Wilbur attended Rhodes University in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa. He became a journalist, writing about social conditions in South Africa, but his father's advice to "Get a real job" prompted him to become a tax accountant (chartered accountant). After he qualified, he married and had two children. The marriage ended badly and the divorce led to alimony and child support payments that left him penniless at only twenty four years of age.
He turned back to fiction and this time he determined to write it, and to his delight found that he was able to sell his first story to 'Argosy' magazine for seventy pounds, which was twice his monthly salary. His first attempt at a novel, 'The Gods First Make Mad', was rejected so for a time he returned to work as an accountant, until the urge to write once again overwhelmed him.
His first successful novel, When the Lion Feeds, was published in 1964, written while he worked for Salisbury Inland Revenue. It tells the story of a young man, Sean Courtney and his twin brother Garry. The character's name was a tribute to Smith's grandfather, Courtney James Smith, who had had commanded a Maxim gun team during the Zulu Wars. Courtney James Smith had a magnificent mustache and could tell wonderful stories that had helped inspire Wilbur. When the Lion Feeds, tells the story of Sean and Garry growing up on an African cattle ranch. The story waeves in facts about Wilbur Smith's own father and mother. He added in some early African history and included the perspective of black people and white. He wrote about hunting, gold mining, carousing, women, love, sex, and hate. This time he left out the philosophies and radical politics that had been the backbone of his first novel. The book gained a film deal and its success encouraged him to become a full-time writer. His publisher and later agent, Charles Pick, gave him advice he never forgot: "Write for yourself, and write about what you know best." Pick also told him "Don't talk about your books with anybody, even me, until they are written." Smith has said that "Until it is written a book is merely smoke on the wind. It can be blown away by a careless word."
He married again following the publication of his first novel, and had another child, but this too ended in divorce. He met a young divorcee named Danielle Thomas who had been born in the same town and had read all of Wilbur Smith's books, and thought that they were wonderful. In 1971 they married. Smith dedicated his books to her until her death from brain cancer in 1999 after a six-year illness.
In a bookstore in London he met a Tadjik girl, Mokhiniso Rakhimova, 39 years younger than he was. Mokhiniso had received her law degree from Moscow University. He fell in love once again and they married in May, 2000.
He states that Africa is his major inspiration, and currently he has over 30 novels published. Smith now lives in London, but avows an abiding concern for the peoples and wildlife of his native continent.
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